Fixed Base Operators

Aerodex, our live service, provides key contacts, including owner/operator, chief pilot, directors of maintenance, and the serial-number-specific details for the business jets, turboprops, pistons, and helicopters under their care. Ideal for fuel providers, dispatchers, and service specialists of all kinds working on behalf of FBOs, MROs, and airports. Easily generate lists to target decision makers for your fuel and or ground services. Aerodex provides date-range-specific historical flight activity and route analysis—including fuel burn and tech/fuel stops—at the serial number level, or by company or fleet, with details of each associated owner/operator. Understand the economic potential the flight activity and aircraft relationships are generating at competing airport(s) and operator(s). Establish prospect and customer lists to easily track utilization by aircraft makes and models.

Take advantage of access to:

  • Flight and Route Analysis by aircraft and airport
  • Fuel Burn by individual aircraft, company/operator, make/model, and airport
  • Identify Tech/Fuel Stops by individual aircraft
  • Aircraft based at airports, with key contacts and aircraft specifications
  • AFTT, engine times, and cycles automatically updated for each aircraft when trip is completed
  • Nearby Airport Reports: Select airports within 200-mile radius of your facility to learn based aircraft with key contact details, transient flights key contact details, tail numbers, and destinations
  • Tail number and serial number searches to learn key aircraft contact details, including owners, chief pilots, operators, directors of maintenance, and directors of aviation
  • Custom email notifications that one of your target events happened, using the Events tool
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